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Group Exams -
Electronic and paper Exams are available in English and in Spanish anywhere in the world for groups of at least 6 participants.
Individual Exams -
You can book your individual exams via this link.
Brightest provides you with guides to support you and simplify your exam registration process to Brightest Center Exams via Pearson VUE:
Extra time is possible if you are taking the exam in a language other than your native language. This part is assessed automatically during your registration via our portal.
Make a real difference in your practices!

Agile United: AU-CPAT, AU-CSAT, or AU-CAPT
Exam Guidelines
40 multiple-choice questions
60 minutes in duration
65% is required to pass
No negative marking
Electronic or Paper-Based through Brightest
Agile United - Capturing Agile Requirements by Example (AU-CARE)
Exam Guidelines
40 multiple-choice questions
60 minutes in duration
65% is required to pass
No negative marking
Electronic or Paper-Based through Brightest

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